Collection: Nebraska

100% American-made Nebraska State flags
On March 1st, 1867, Nebraska became 37th United State of America. Nebraska was named a US territory thirteen years prior in 1854, under the Kansas-Nebraska Act and was settled extensively throughout the 1860s.
Nebraska was considered by early settlers to be part of the Great American Desert. The Timber Culture Act was enacted in 1873 and millions of trees were planted across the state, earning Nebraska the nickname of the “Tree Planters State”. In 1945, however, the Tree Planters State was renamed the Cornhusker State, after the University of Nebraska Athletics teams.
Although the original designed in 1925, the Nebraska State Flag was not officially adopted until 1963, making Nebraska one of the last states in the Union to officially adopt a state flag. The State Flag of Nebraska displays the state seal in gold and silver, centered on a National Blue color field. The seal depicts a steam engine in the background crossing mountains in the distance, and a steamboat traversing the Missouri river, while in the foreground stands a worker next to a small cabin, depicting the growth and strength of Nebraska’s workforce to transform the state from desert to a thriving industrial and agricultural state.