What is the Best Flag Fabric?

What is the best flag fabric for an American Flag, with LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®

What is the best flag fabric for the American Flag or other flags?

United States flag manufacturing companies produce the American flag from one of three fabrics: cotton, nylon, or polyester.

Nylon is the most popular and economical flag fabric.

Genuine SunTru™ nylon flags are made from versatile 200-denier weight nylon. Excellent quality, superior ultraviolet resistance and good value make SunTru™ nylon the most popular fabric choice among commercial and residential customers. 

Polyester is a heavier material and will outlast all other flags before fraying on the fly end.

Our Rugged WaveCrest™ polyester is the longest lasting flag fabric available and is preferred for display in strong wind and unpredictable weather conditions. Though not as fade resistant as nylon, our Rugged WaveCrest™ polyester fabric is preferred for 24-hour display and large-size flag display.

Cotton fabric is a traditional natural fiber which offers classic appearance.

However, a cotton flag more likely to fade, stain, shrink, and lose shape when displayed outside. Cotton flags are typically used for special events or interment. Polyester and nylon fabrics are more suitable for general outdoor display.

Here's a quick video for a bit more nuance...

Which Flag Fabric is the Best?

In summary, polyester and nylon fabrics are more suitable for outdoor display than cotton flags.

Of those two, most residential customers and customers who fly smaller flags find that nylon fabric is best for their circumstances. Polyester fabric is preferred choice for 24 hour display and large size flags.

Final note: all flags should be flown from a flagpole suitable for the flag size, flag weight, and the wind speeds it will encounter.

What is the best flag fabric for an American Flag, with LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®

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