Installation Instructions - Freedom Flagpole

Statue of Liberty

The Freedom Flagpole is easy to install. Here are the steps.

  1. Dig a hole 2 inches deeper than length of ground sleeve and approximately 18" in diameter. Line bottom of hole with 1-1/2" gravel and 1-1/2" sand for drainage.
  2. Prepare ready-mix concrete (approximately (3) 80 lb. bags)
  3. Set sleeve upright in center of hole and fill in around it with concrete mixture. Do not allow concrete to get into or under sleeve. Sleeve should extend ½" to 1" above ground after final grading. Use a level at two points on the sleeve 90 degrees apart to make sure it is plumb. Check plumb several times while filling hole. Level off smoothly at top.
  4. Assemble pole sections by sliding together, with swaged ends extending upwards into next section. The top section is un-swaged. The second section from the bottom is drilled for the cleat. The three remaining sections make up the rest of the pole and are interchangeable. Attach cleat, using the self-tapped screws supplied.
  5. Screw ball ornament into top of truck. Use Lok-Tite or other stem cement if available. Using a wrench, securely tighten down the jam nut against the truck. Thread halyard through pulley and tie ends together. Slip the truck onto top of the flagpole. Aline the sheve (pulley) over the cleat. Using an Allen wrengh, tighten the set screws holding the truck to the shaft.
  6. Thread the halyard through the truck sheave. Tie the halyard ends loosely together to check for proper halyard length. The halyard should have only 2-3" loop below the cleat, enough to wrap 3-4 times around the cleat. Cut off excess halyard. Fuse the ends with a flame to prevent fraying.
  7. To affix snap hooks:
    1. Pinch halyard between thumb and forefinger, forming loop.
    2. Push loop through eye in snap hook-continue pushing until loop reaches end of snap hook.
    3. Bring loop over end of snap-fold back towards halyard.
    4. Pull snap hook in opposite direction, thus tightening it into position.
    5. Affix second snap hook the appropriate distance above the first, according to the size of the flag being flown (example- approx. 3' for a 3'x5' foot flag.
  8. When concrete has set, insert butt end of pole until fully seated in sleeve. Rotate pole until pulley faces in opposite direction from prevailing wind.
  9. Use strip of caulking (Mortite, for example) to seal space between sleeve and pole.

Here is a PDF with pictures to assist you: Freedom Flagpole assembly instructions