Creating Your Avenue of Flags

Avenue of Flags: An amazing, cost-effective tribute.

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Creating an Avenue of Flags? — click to shop LIBERTY FLAGS' flagpole selection

The run-up to Memorial Day each year marks the beginning of the time to be thinking about the American flag displays that will coordinate with other efforts to honor the individuals who have sacrificed their lives in service of our country, the history of the American Flag, and American Independence.

Each Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day and Veteran’s Day numerous communities, organizations, neighborhood associations, schools, government agencies, cemeteries and businesses across America erect inspiring tributes that often become community focal points. Your own Avenue of Flags display can become a tradition your community looks forward to as a heartfelt expression of patriotism and love of country — a tribute to build on.

We recommend a variety of options for creating an awe inspiring Avenue of Flags.

Ambassador Commercial Flagpole

With a range of 15-35' tall, the Ambassador Commercial Flagpole is a permanent ground-set flagpole that can display American flags from 3'x5' to 5'x8'.

The Ambassador Commercial Flagpole is easily rigged and installed, and provides substantial strength since it is manufactured with the same materials and standards as much larger commercial poles. The Ambassador is a great option for most inland U.S. locations.

For other wind-rated, commercial flagpoles (for long-term or commercial applications) please order from our commercial line.

Temporary Use Flagpoles

With a range of 8-20' tall,  Residential Flagpoles offer an array of options for flying 2'x3' to 3'x5' American flags on a more temporary basis. 3'x5' SunTru™ nylon American flags can be found here.

Most residential flagpoles install easily by hand, and can be stored conveniently when not in use. Most large Avenue of Flags displays are removed to storage after Memorial Day, though some remain on display through the 4th of July.

Note that these flagpoles are not wind-rated, so weather conditions and flag size must be closely monitored, as the poles may flex or fail in conditions that are too extreme or when flying too heavy a flag.

Building your own poles?

Many U.S. businesses that operate within modest budget constraints build their own poles for an Avenue of Flags. If this is the route you intend to take, for each pole you are building, you will need the following five items:

  1. Fence top rail: 15’ length x 1-3/8” OD x .065 wall
  2. Eye bolt with nut: (2) 3”x1/4”
  3. Spring links: (2) ¼”
  4. PVC pipe schedule 40: (1) 18”x2” ID
  5. Don’t forget the shovel and ready mix concrete!

Photo call!

Send us your pictures of your Avenue of Flags, American flags, flagpoles, ropes, or other accessories! We would be honored to feature your photography in our blog or on Facebook. Remember, photos of damaged flags and accessories are valuable, too.

Do you have suggestions for information you'd like to see here? If so, please send them our way!

Please send all of your suggestions or questions to We want to hear from you!

Have a great day, from your friends at LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®.

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