Residential Flagpoles – Is it Time?
Improving your home with a residential flagpole? Home owners equipped with these basic insights will be well on their way to successful planning.
Here Are Five Things To Consider When You Purchase Your Residential Flagpole
Have an idea of your budget before you start shopping for a flagpole for your house. A quality ground set flagpole that provides performance for decades will range in price from about $750 to about $3900.
Ground set flagpoles for a home should be anywhere from 20 feet to 30 feet tall, but the most popular height for residential display is 20 feet.
When the flagpole in your yard is intended to be a point of interest or an outward expression of support or patriotism, then your flagpole should be at least 30 feet tall. Flagpoles on ranches and large estates also tend to be 30 feet or taller.
Always inquire about wind-speed rating of any flagpole you consider; the last thing a new flagpole owner wants is to experience a bent or broken flagpole. Avoid this by selecting a flagpole that is engineered to hold up to the wind-speed rating for your area, which is a measurement of isolated wind gusts (those most likely to damage a flagpole). In the United States, most areas call for a wind-speed rating between 85 and 145 m.p.h.
Sectional flagpoles and telescoping flagpoles that are intended for very light duty use are not wind-speed rated. Display of an oversized flag and/or in conditions where wind gusts exceed about 30 mph will over-stress these flagpoles and cause them to bend or a break. If you plan to purchase a flagpole that is not wind-speed rated, it is advisable to remove the flag from display during high winds and become familiar with seller's or manufacturer's warranty information.
LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave® offers ground mount Residential Flagpoles and Commercial Flagpoles with wind-speed ratings published on every size, so you can easily make a clear selection.
If you wish to display a United States Burial Flag (as provided by the Veteran’s Administration) to honor the memory of a loved one, a commercial strength flagpole 30’ tall is recommended. This is because a burial flag is 5'x9-1/2', and the length of a flag should be 1/3-1/4 the height of the flagpole.
NOTE – A burial flag is intended as a keepsake to be given to the next-of-kin.
Photo Call!
Send us your pictures of Residential Flagpoles, American flags, ropes, or other accessories! We would be honored to feature your photography in our blog or on Facebook. Remember, photos of damaged flags and accessories are valuable, too.
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Have a great day, from your friends at LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®.