Installation Instructions - Home Flag Set

Installing the Home Flag Set is easy.
You will have the following parts in your Home Flag Set.
- flag
- sectional pole
- eagle ornament
- 2 flag fasteners
- holder
- 3 screws
Steps to installing the Home Flag Sets
- Install the flag set in an area where the flag will not touch anything beneath it. Select a location where the flag will not catch or rub on the gutter, home, or landscape.
- Place the metal holder on the window sill, side of house, porch rail, post, etc. Fasten it with the 3 screws.
- Assemble the flagpole by inserting tapered sections into non-tapered sections.
- Insert the eagle ornament into top of assembled pole.
- Slide one flag fastener onto the pole and remove the plastic screw. Position the flag fastener at the top of the pole and center the top flag grommet over the screw hole, insert the plastic screw into the hole and tighten. Slide the second flag fastener onto the pole and position it on the pole where the bottom grommet of the flag allows the white heading of the flag to be taunt against the pole. Center the bottom flag grommet over the screw hole, insert the plastic screw into the hole and tighten.
- Insert flagpole into the holder.
- If you wish to lower the flag to 1/2 staff simply reposition the flag fasteners on the pole.
REMEMBER to take the flag down at sunset unless it has proper lighting.