How to Properly Display the American Flag as a Casket Cover

Proper Display of an American Casket Flag, with LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®

Steps to properly display the United States flag over a casket

The American Flag casket ceremony

  1. The United States flag is placed with the canton ("field of stars") covering the head and over the left shoulder of the casket.
  2. Keep the flag in place during the burial ceremony.
  3. Do not let the flag touch the ground at any time.
  4. At the end of the ceremony remove the flag from the casket before lowering the casket into the ground.
  5. Properly fold the flag into a triangle with only stars showing.
  6. Do not lower the flag into the grave.
  7. Do not use the flag as a covering for a headstone, statue or monument.
  8. Properly store the folded flag in a display storage case.

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