How Long Should a Flag Last?

Flag life is usually determined by the weather.
Flag manufacturers do not warranty flags with a "life expectancy" because weather conditions are constantly changing.
Mother Nature is the worst enemy of every outdoor flag. Be certain your flag is made from an all weather flag fabric such as nylon or polyester. Then examine the construction features. All hems should be turned back twice and secured with 2 rows of lock stitching and 4 rows of lock stitching on the fly end.
Before purchasing an American flag, look for the FMAA (Flag Manufacturers Association of America) certification label. An American flag imprinted with this label is 100% made in the United States by a bonified FMAA member flag manufacturer. If the FMAA label is missing you may be sadly disappointed with the quality.
Even all weather flags made of nylon or polyester fabric will sustain damage in extreme weather conditions. Sun, rain, wind, ice and snow all weaken fabrics and threads. When your flag begins to show obvious signs of wear such as holes, severe fading or tattered stripes it is appropriate to retire the old flag and replace it with a new one.
To extend flag life, flag repair is okay. Repair requires trimming off the tattered or frayed end and sewing a new hem resembling the original hem with nylon or polyester thread. It is proper to repeat this repair sequence until the flag is nearly square. If the stripes on an American flag will not be longer than the blue field when the repair is complete the flag should be retired. Keep in mind repair flags will not last as long as the flag did when it was new because the flag fabric has already started to deteriorate.
The Liberty Flags Inc. showroom is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma - in the middle of tornado alley. The wind seems to ALWAYS blow here.
Nylon is the fabric of choice for display on house mounted flagpoles and residential flagpoles up to 20'.
Our commercial customers prefer WaveCrest™ Polyester American flags over nylon.