National Vietnam War Veterans Day, March 29

“Commemorating Vietnam War Veterans Day with LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®

National Vietnam War Veterans Day is commemorated each year on March 29.

Acknowledgement of Our Veterans

In 2012, a day of appreciation for Americans who served in the Vietnam Conflict was observed for the first time, and a process for permanent establishment of an annual commemoration began. In 2017 the process was finalized and National Vietnam War Veterans Day was codified by Congress...

If you are looking to honor a loved one who served in the United States military during the Vietnam Conflict, please consider the Vietnam Veterans grave marker, the POW/MIA flag, the KIA flag, and the Honor and Remember flag.

American Involvement in Vietnam

On January 12, 1962, the United States military officially entered the Vietnam Conflict. On March 29, 1973, the last remaining U.S. combat troops left and our military role in the Republic of Vietnam ended.

During that time more than 3,000,000 U.S. troops were deployed to Vietnam.
More than 58,000 lost their lives.
More than 1,500 are still unaccounted for.

A Regrettable Aftermath

Questions surrounding U.S. involvement in Vietnam have always been a source of contention, often costing American veterans the civic and familial support they need.

While the motivations for warfare should always be examined, the people sent to endure the most difficult task of fighting the war deserve the dignity of recognition...

“Commemorating Vietnam War Veterans Day with LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®

Will You Share Your Vietnam War Veterans Stories?

Send us your pictures of Vietnam war memorabilia, American flags, flagpoles, ropes, or other accessories! We would be honored to feature your photography in our blog or on Facebook. Remember, photos of damaged flags and accessories are valuable, too.

Do you have suggestions for information you'd like to see here? If so, please send them our way!

Please send all of your suggestions or questions to We want to hear from you!

Have a great day, from your friends at LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®.

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