Gold Star Mothers Day — Last Sunday in September

Gold Star Mothers Day, with LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave

A Mother’s Sacrifice

Founded on the belief that self-contained grief is self-destructive, Gold Star Mother’s Day is the resulting product of years of tireless work on the part of American Gold Star Mothers, an organization of American mothers who’ve lost their child or children in the service of the United States Armed Forces.

The last Sunday in September has been designated as Gold Star Mothers Day since the Senate Joint Resolution 115 in June of 1936.

Blue Star, Gold Star

100% American-made Blue Star Flags from LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave

During World War I, a custom evolved where families would display a red-bordered white banner with a blue star (a.k.a. the “Sons in Service” flag) for each living member of the family serving in the United States Armed Forces. This banner was typically hung in a front window of the home.

100% American-made Gold Star Flags from LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave

A gold star was displayed on the banner (these banners are made to order) instead of blue to indicate any service members who had lost their lives in (or as a result of) service in the United States Armed Forces.

Both banners exist to acknowledge the sacrifice of individuals in the service of our country, who risk or pay the ultimate cost throughout American history.

Gold Star Mothers Day, with LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave

Photo Call!

Send us your pictures of Gold Star Mothers Day observations, American flags, flagpoles, ropes, or other accessories! We would be honored to feature your photography in our blog or on Facebook. Remember, photos of damaged flags and accessories are valuable, too.

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Have a great day, from your friends at LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®.

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