When a flag is more than just a flag
With politics leading the news, elections upcoming in November, and a bevy of holiday parades in store, there is one thing Americans everywhere are bound to see a lot of… ceremonial American flags.
You will see them behind podiums, in conference rooms, flanking politicians and spokesmen, in front of backdrops, mounted to floats, carried in the parade belts (the only way to present a ceremonial flag outdoors) of flag bearers, and myriad other places.
But what makes a ceremonial flag… well… ceremonial?
And why do people want them so much?
This Ceremonial Flags overview video explains the elements that make a ceremonial flag so special, their uses, along with some important components for ceremonial flag owners.
Photo call!
Send us your pictures of memorial observations, American flags, flagpoles, ropes, or other accessories! We would be honored to feature your photography in our blog or on Facebook. Remember, photos of damaged flags and accessories are valuable, too.
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Have a great day, from your friends at LIBERTY FLAGS, The American Wave®.