What the American Flag symbolizes around the world

The American Flag symbolizes many things to people across the world. Depending on what part of the world they are from, the flag can represent different things for different people. For Americans, the flag represents our dreams and aspirations, and solidarity as a nation.  In other countries, the American Flag may be flown to show support and allied interests with America.

For European survivors of WWII, the American Flag represents hope and freedom. One great story of the power of the flag is that of Sergeant Donald Hall of the 83rd Infantry Division. He and the others in his division, also known as the Thunderbolt Division, helped to free the Langenstein-Zwieberge German concentration camp in April 1945. One of the prisoners he helped to liberate collected and gathered enough materials to make an American flag as a gift for his rescuers. Sgt. Hall kept the flag and brought it home with him to the US. Many years later, the flag was donated by his family to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. 

The flag is a common motif on decals for car windows, and on clothing ornamentation such as badges and lapel pins. Throughout the world, the flag has been used in public discourse to refer to the United States.

The American Flag is a symbol of freedom, liberty, and human rights. It is a symbol of our home and all that we believe in. Some hold the flag as sacred and others have a moderate reverence for it.  The flag has been utilized across the world in both protest and celebration.  

Across the world, the American Flag is displayed as a symbol of inspiration, hope, freedom, and togetherness. In an act of sympathy and support, people from countries all over the world, from France to Hong Kong, waved and displayed American Flags on September 11, 2001. Each year, Americans and non-Americans alike, continue to do so each year in honor and respect for the victims and survivors of 9/11.

In 2011, on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, a massive US flag was unfurled before the Eiffel Tower. US Ambassador to France and mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe both attended the Memorial Service.  

The Eiffel Tower was flanked by large replicas of the World Trade Center, each 82 feet tall. Les Francais N’oublieront Jaimais, or the French Will Never Forget, was the new slogan of solidarity written on the tower replicas. French and American attendees of the memorial service also brought their own small American Flags to wave.

The American Flag might symbolize different things to different people depending on which country they live in. However, the Flag is recognized, honored, and displayed all over the world.

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